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Volume 2 Age-Related Macula Degeneration:  brings together in one book very interesting subjects as the screening of the macular function, the risk factors related to the disease, the new advances with photodynamic therapy, the recent investigations of the anti-angiogenic management.
Volume 3 Modern Approaches to Eye Injury: brings together in one book very interesting subjects as the ocular trauma classification, the management of corneoscleral wounds, the new advances in orbital reconstruction and the approach to intraocular foreign bodies.

This collection has been created with the collaboration  of renowned authors

Jorge Alió, M.D. (España) José Perez Moreira, M.D. (España)
Virgilio Centurión , M.D. (Brasil) John Marshall, M.D. (Reino Unido)
David Chang, MD (Estados Unidos) Jack Dodick, M.D. (Estados Unidos)
Carmen Puliafito, M.D. (Estados Unidos) Richard Lindstrom, M.D. (Estados Unidos)
Amar Agarwal, M.D. (India) Otros...

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New Outcomes in Cataract Surgery
“ HIGHLIGHTS Collection”
Volume 1

With the new advances in Phacoemulsification, Microincision in Cataract Surgery and the modern modifications and evolution of intraocular lenses, the stage has been set for a detailed understanding of these popular techniques, the disease processes affecting visual acuity and the potential for visual rehabilitation after surgery.

New Outcomes in Cataract Surgery", Volume 1, 2005, brings together in one book, the new advances in laser technique, recent advances in phacoemulsification by experts, the most complete details in the transition from standard phacoemulsification to bi-manual phaco and also the required diagnostic studies such as IOL power calculation in complex cases to provide you with new insights for a perfect cataract procedure. This book represents a unique research reference and will serve as the definitive and ultimate resource for clinicians, researchers, surgeons and teachers.


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